Sunday, February 25, 2007

A Narrow View

Searching for Nudebranchs this is all I saw today. Just kidding -- we were really hunting for sea glass. But, this is a really good visual of how much could be seen at the beach today. The wind was howling and the rain was pelting so hard that all you could do was look down and, of course, away from the ocean.

We only lasted about ten minutes before I had both girls huddling around my legs mumbling something about cold and leaving. This old dog must be learning new tricks, because instead of "It's not that cold, let's keep looking for a few more minutes" I just picked up the little one and grabbed the others' hand and marched back up to the car. I got 'em changed into dry, warm clothes and we were sitting in front of dogs, fries and chocolate shakes within a 1/2 hour.

That sea glass will just have to get tumbled around some more.

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